Solar Power For Indoor Cannabis Farms: A Sustainable Solution

Solar Power For Indoor Cannabis Farms

The cannabis market today and tomorrow: How much higher can it get?

With the cannabis market in the US currently projected to top $57 billion by 2030, there is plenty of opportunity for growers to increase their profits and expand their operations. That figure grows to $72 billion if the states that appear ready to legalize marijuana do so. That means producers will see a lot of demand - and will have to grow a lot of weed. As many agricultural professionals know, a huge portion of costs comes from energy use, and cannabis cultivation is no exception. While an average 2,400 square foot house uses about 900 kWh of electricity every month, an indoor cannabis farm huffs a bit more than 360 kWh for every 25 square feet! That means that if your house were to be a cannabis farm, your monthly energy usage would be 86,000 kWh or the equivalent of almost 100 homes! Indoor cannabis farmers are seeing energy costs as high as $2,500 per kilogram produced. In order for these farms to continue their growth, they’ll have to cope with energy costs higher than their customers. By installing onsite generation sources such as combined heat and power (CHP) and solar, and pairing it with a battery storage system, indoor farming operations can both mitigate their energy costs, eliminate their dependance on an increasingly unreliable grid, control and manage their long term energy costs and lessen their carbon footprint. 


Solar systems are incredibly effective tools for lowering your electricity costs. Plus, strong legislative support for solar has made it more affordable than ever, with incentives and grants available across the country. For the cannabis cultivator with heat lamps and ventilation systems, a source of onsite electricity can be a game-changer. That’s because once your solar system is installed, your electricity rates are guaranteed, and while your competitors’ bills grow larger, your savings only do the same. In fact, in states with net metering programs, you can even earn money on the electricity you don’t use, by exporting it back to the grid for an exchange rate. Or, if you want to save that electricity for later, you can pair a battery energy storage system with your solar system. That way, you have the added flexibility and resiliency of an energy bank, and potentially greater savings.


If there ever comes a time when your indoor farming operation isn’t using all of the electricity your solar system is producing, a battery energy storage system can store that electricity for later. This bank of energy can be a crucial cost-cutting resource for operations in regions with high utility costs. In addition, the energy storage system, when sized accordingly, can also be used for back-up power to essential loads during a grid outage.

THC and CHP: Best Buds

If your facility consumes a lot of energy around the clock or has a consistent base load, a combined heat and power system may be your best solution. This kind of energy system can significantly reduce monthly demand charges and utilize excess heat to produce even more electricity for your building. For growers worried about operating as efficiently as possible, a CHP system can improve your building’s energy efficiency to as much as 80%, compared to 50% efficiency in conventional systems. So, in an environment like a warm, humid indoor cannabis farm, these systems make perfect sense.

Promise Energy understands that every farming operation has unique needs, especially when it comes to indoor operations. From heat lamps, to irrigation systems, to ventilation, energy efficiency plays a driving role in how much profit you turn every month. Promise’s holistic approach to energy is what differentiates us from the crowd, and you can count on our energy experts to custom-design a system to meet the unique energy needs of your indoor farm.

Ready to see how you can help support your business with energy upgrades? Contact Promise Energy at for a complementary evaluation.


At Promise Energy, we don’t believe that one size fits all. We pride ourselves in designing and installing customized energy solutions that provide the greatest long-term value and energy control for our customers.


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