We are here to serve, guide, and advise you as you take control of your energy future.
We strive to provide the solution that meets your unique needs.
We are your energy problem solvers - your trusted energy team - to help you find the best energy solution for your organization.
We are a local business that has thrived with repeat customers and referrals for a decade. We are here to serve, guide, and advise you as you take control of your energy future.
We specialize in integrating complex and creative projects.
We are confident in navigating the intricacies of any market to ensure that your system complies with all necessary codes and requirements. We also are deeply familiar with securing and processing relevant local and state incentives to lower system costs and even possibly open new revenue streams.
We are experts in:
Labor Compliance
Green Building Standards
Fire Codes
LEED Certification
Building and Safety Requirements
Utility Interconnection Processes
As experts in the industry, our team checks all of the boxes: Decades of energy experience, specialized in-house expertise, and a long-standing local track record.
Adam Boucher
Michael Boucher
Charlie Kuffner
Daniel Boucher
VP of Engineering
Lisa Schieber
Andy Mannle
VP of Strategic Development
Frank Cibort
EVP of Business Development
Promise Energy Achievements
Our Firsts
• 1st Solar Business accredited by the Los Angeles Green Business Program.
• Built 1st Projects in Los Angeles to Provide Solar Benefit to Multifamily Tenants: Hanover Olympic and Turner Apartments.
• Built 1st Zero Net Energy Apartments in Los Angeles – Hanover Olympic.
• Built 1st Zero Net Energy Affordable Housing project in Los Angeles - Silver Star Apartments.
• Designed 1st Zero Net Energy Facility for Los Angeles Department of Transportation: LADOT Bus Maintenance Facility.
• Supported Los Angeles Sustainability Plan by consulting on Largest Solar Project on a municipally owned Convention Center – 2.2MW LA Convention Center.
• Designing & Installing 1st Battery Storage Projects for Multifamily Affordable Housing in Los Angeles: Silver Star Apartments & Mosaic Gardens at Pomona.
Our Advocacy
• Thought Leadership: Promise Energy team members have been frequent speakers at numerous events related to Green Building, Energy Efficiency, Solar, and Affordable Housing for organizations including Southern CA Association of Nonprofit Housing (SCANPH), Housing California, USGBC, ULI, the Milken Institute, NABCEP, Solar Power International and many more.
• Solar Advocacy in Los Angeles: Worked with LADWP to allow solar for renters, testified to DWP Commissioners to allow Virtual Net Metering to expand solar access to renters, low-income and disadvantaged communities.
• Solar Water Heating: Testified and lobbied at state Senate for extension of successful CA Solar Thermal program resulting in $250M 2-yr extension.
• Appointed Member of Sustainable Building Methods Advisory Council for Tax Credit Allocation Committee of CA (TCAC).
• Hosted President Obama’s HUD Secretary Julian Castro and facilitated working roundtable to address Energy Efficiency in Affordable Housing.
• Participating stakeholder in state proceedings to launch SOMAH program, investing up to $1 Billion to put Solar On Multifamily Affordable Housing.
• Launched smartSOMAH.org to facilitate development of SOMAH program.
• Working closely with non-profits, environmental justice groups, and the CA Solar Energy Industry Association to advocate for Community Solar, expansion of solar access to Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities, fair net metering policies, easier solar permitting, and expanded access to battery storage.
Our Awards
• Project of the Year: US Green Building Council LA Chapter awards Silver Star Apartments the Project of the Year Award in the 2017 Sustainable Innovation competition.
• First Place: US Green Building Council LA Chapter awards Silver Star Apartments 1st Place in the Energy Category at the 2017 Sustainable Innovation competition.
• Battery Storage Grant: Promise Energy awarded a grant from SoCal Edison to Design & Install one of the 1st Battery Storage Projects for Multifamily Affordable Housing in Los Angeles: Mosaic Gardens at Pomona.
• Adam Boucher, Promise Energy CEO, honored as a “Top 40 Solar Leader” by CA Solar Energy Industry Association.
• Awarded a Solar Grant from Honda Corporation to support a Mercy Housing project – Promise featured in National TV Ad campaign for our work insupporting nonprofits to go solar.
• Multiple LEED Gold and LEED Platinum Projects - Vermont, Selma, Step Up on Colorado and others.