24/7 Manufacturing in Southern California

An Integrated Energy Solution

A plastic manufacturer based in Oxnard, California turned to Promise Energy to help it reduce costs and improve its sustainability measures. The company runs 24/7 operations, so it pays steep monthly utility bills to meet its high energy needs. It has also committed to reducing its carbon footprint and improving energy efficiency. Promise Energy designed a holistic energy solution comprising two rooftop solar arrays, a combined heat and power (CHP) plant, and two absorption chillers. These systems will work in harmony to significantly lower costs, increase efficiency, and reduce carbon emissions.

Long Term Savings 

The solar arrays will produce clean, renewable energy that, when combined with the CHP electricity production, will offset more than 40% of the facility’s electricity consumption. The CHP plant will also produce heat that will power the absorption chillers, offsetting more than 3 million kilowatt-hours of electricity per year. These investments will produce roughly $2.7 million in annual savings. Promise Energy also leveraged its California market expertise to obtain relevant local and federal financial incentives that reduced the upfront cost by more than $5.5 million.

  • $2.7 Million in Annual Energy Cost Savings

  • 3 Complementary Technologies Used

  • Off-Balance Sheet Financing Options

Off-Balance Sheet Financing

This project was financed utilizing a program that provides off-balance sheeting funding for energy and sustainability projects. The client will repay project costs through its monthly utility bill and project- generated energy savings. As the “system owner” for tax purposes, the client will receive all available tax credits and incentives, while also benefiting from energy cost savings and upgrades with zero capital outlay.

  • 1.717 MW Solar Capacity

  • $2.7 Million Estimated Annual Savings

  • 41% Energy Offset

  • 2 MW CHP Capacity

Our Integrated Approach

Promise Energy understands that every business operation has unique needs, especially when it comes to energy costs. Promise’s integrated approach to energy is what differentiates us from the crowd, and you can count on our energy experts to custom-design a system to meet the unique energy needs of your business.

Contact Promise Energy at info@promiseenergy.com for a complimentary energy evaluation of your facility.


At Promise Energy, we don’t believe that one size fits all. We pride ourselves in designing and installing customized energy solutions that provide the greatest long-term value and energy control for our customers.


Why Does Solar Take So Long?


ESG: Environmental, Social, and Governance as a guide for smarter, more sustainable business operations